Monday, October 15, 2012

October update

Blank - Calix LP (dark crust hardcore, white vinyl, limited to 300 copies)
Culto de Cargo - S/T ep (d-beat hardcore from Italy)
Gelo / Baka Yaro - Split LP (crust/hc from Italy and Slovenia)
Noothgrush - S/T LP (first demo, restock)
Noothgrush / Suppression - Split 5"
The Truth / Helltard - Split 10"  (hardcore/fastcore from Serbia)
V.A. - Amebix Balkans LP (bands from Croatia, Serbia, Greece playing Amebix covers)
XAXAXA - Siromasni i bogati LP (post punk from Macedonia, new album)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Back from the tour!

Yesterday we got back from the tour. It was really great. Met a lot of people, made a lot of new friends. Just want to thank everyone involved in doing shows for us, gave us food and a place to sleep. A big hello to all the guys in Gelo. Hope to see you soon. Here's a video from Gelo in Villingen:
Gelo at Corrosive Schopf

And some photos from Hella:

Homo Homini Lupus

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

September update

Just got back from Kill-Town Death Fest! Be sure not to miss it next year. Here are some new records:

Bombs of Hades - Chambers of abomination LP (Swedish death Metal)
Corrupt - Slavestate serenades LP (Swedish thrash metal, ltd. to 300)
God Macabre - The winterlong LP (classic Swedish death metal from the early 90s, including their previous band's ep)

The complete tour for Homo Homini Lupus / Gelo will be posted soon!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Homo Homini Lupus / Gelo European tour

Here are the tour dates for the upcoming tour in September. Let us know if you can help with unconfirmed dates.

14.9. Friday - Milano (I), tba
15.9. Saturday - Biel (CH) @ Schrottbar
16.9. Sunday - Stuttgart (D), NEED HELP
17.9. Monday - Giessen (D) @ AK 44
18.9. Tuesday - Bremen (D), NEED HELP
19.9. Wednesday - Rostock, Lubeck, Malmo.. NEED HELP
20.9. Thursday - Göteburg (SWE), tba
21.9. Friday - Oslo (N), NEED HELP
22.9. Saturday - Jönköping (SWE) @ Kulturhuset
23.9. Sunday - Karlskrona/Vaxjo (SWE), NEED HELP
24.9. Monday - Copenhagen (DK) @ Underwerket
25.9. Tuesday - Aalborg (DK) @ 1000FRYD
26.9. Wednesday - Hamburg (D) @ Lobusch
27.9. Thursday - Berlin (D), NEED HELP
28.9. Friday - Hořovice (CZ) @ Hella
29.9. Saturday - Graz (A) @ Sub

The tour will be updated as soon as there are some news.

Friday, July 27, 2012

20th Monte Paradiso Fest

Next weekend is the 20th Monte Paradiso Festival and Sumoggu Records will be there. If you want some records send an e-mail and you can take it there without paying postage. See you soon.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July update part 2

Blood I Bleed - Gods out of monsters LP (Holland fastcore)
Blood I Bleed / Massgrav - Split LP (fast hardcore from Holland and Sweden)
Drugs of Faith - S/T LP (us grind/hardcore)
Hooded Menace - Never cross the dead 2LP (death doom from Finland)
Krush - S/T LP (Holland crust/grind)
S.A.F. - Dead area paranoia LP (thrash/hardcore/punk from Holland)
Machetazo - Trono de huesos LP (Spanish grindcore legends, 10th year anniversary re-issue)
Simbiose -  Economical terrorism LP (Portuguese crust/metal/punk)
Voetsek - Infernal command LP (thrash/hardcore from USA)

Occvlta / Salute - Split ep (o: doom/black from Germany, s: hellhammer from England)
Usurpress - Tales of possessors ep (death metal/crust from Sweden; first demo on vinyl)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

July update part 1

Doom - Doomed again 2LP (restock)
Misery - From where the sun never shines 2LP (new album)
Usurpress - Trenches of the netherworld LP (d-beat death metal)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Homo Homini Lupus website

Homo Homini Lupus has a new official page. It has all the information you need. Check it here:

Homo Homini Lupus

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Check out this blog! It has a lot of ex-YU hardcore punk mp3's (among others), and also Brivido/HHL LP.


Friday, June 1, 2012


Sumoggu Records has a bandcamp page. So go and check it out. There are two releases there; Senata Fox / Brivido - split ep and Brivido / Homo Homini Lupus - Split LP. If you like it, go and buy the vinyl.

Sumoggu Records Bandcamp

Sunday, May 27, 2012

May update

Exanthema / Chronic Decay - Split LP (old school Swedish death metal, originally released only on cd in 1993, this is the second pressing on vinyl)
Miasmal - S/T LP (Swedish death metal, reissue on Agipunk)
Morbus Chron - Sleepers in the rift LP (death metal from Sweden with an Autopsy twist)
Unholy Grave - Grind killers LP (Japanese grind legends)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Homo Homini Lupus - Cani da caccia

Song from their split LP with Aggrenation out now on Sumoggu Records. Still available Brivido / Homo Homini Lupus - Split LP.

Cani da caccia

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Homo Homini Lupus - Live in Rijeka

Another video, this time of Homo Homini Lupus. Enjoy!

Homo Homini Lupus

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Brivido live in Krško

Here's a new upload of Brivido playing in Krško in February 2012. You can hear some new songs, still not recorded.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

April update

Homo Homini Lupus / Aggrenation - Split LP's are here and also some other records.

Bludwulf / Tiger Junkies / Children of Technology – Break the chains 3way split LP (3x metal punk from usa, usa/japan and italy, picture lp)
Doom – Doomed again 2LP (27 songs from various eps, splits and compilations)

Dystopia – S/T LP (final Dystopia recording)

Hellbastard – Ripper crust LP (restock, demo from 1986)

Homo Homini Lupus / Aggrenation – Split LP (metallic hc/grind from Croatia; metallic d-beat from Sweden)

Nulla Osta / Aggrenation – Split LP (restock)

Prophecy of Doom – Total mind war LP (unreleased Peel sessions from 1991 and Ego-deathgrind demo from 1996, gatefold)

Ripcord – Discography part III: From demo slaves to audiowaves LP (Peel sessions from 1988, demos from 1986, last part of the ripcord reissues)

Saw Throat – Indestroy LP (originally released in 1989, sore throat going slow)

Slump / Life Ends – Split LP (grinding fastcore from Germany)

Undead Creep – The ever burning torch LP (old school Swedish death metal from Italy, gatefold)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

HHL/Aggrenation - Split LP is out!

Even though it's April the 1st, this is not a joke, the record is finally out. Well, it's been out for a couple of days already, and here's the proof:

The records will be at Sumoggu HQ really soon, so be prepared because the amount of records will be limited. Cheers!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

News, distro update

There will be a small delay with HHL/Aggrenation LP. Anyway, the test pressings are approved, and the record is in the pressing plant. Should be out soon. In the meanwhile you can spend some money on these 2 records:

Hooded Menace / Horse Latitudes - Split LP (hm: death/doom metal, hl: sludge/doom, both from Finland, 2nd pressing)
Barbarian - S/T LP (perfect mix between Hellhammer, early Celtic Frost and early Bathory)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Some news

Homo Homini Lupus / Aggrnation - Split LP is in the presing plant. The release date is 02.03. There will be a limited press also. Check the blog for more news.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

7" records

A Bit of Brain Dead - S/T ep (Thrashbastard) 2€
Age of Woe - S/T ep (Addiction to War) 2€
AFN / Forged - Split ep (Grindpromotion) 5€
Black Easter – Ready To Rot ep (No Plan) 8€
Black Gust - Psychedelic maelstrom ep 4€
Blackwhole / Warhammer - Split ep (High Roller) 7€
Breed - S/T ep (T.V.G.) 4€
Cold Brats / Pakt – Split ep (Mad Schnauzer) 7€
Contrasto / LeTormenta - La poesia e azione split ep (Iconoclast) 4€
Corrosive / Bohrholm - Split ep (Fucking Kill) 4€
Culto del Cargo - Nel nome dell'uomo la tecnica macina carne ep (Self released) 3€
Decry – S/T ep (No Plan) 9€
Depraved - Demo 2016 ep 5€
Depraved / Scum Human - Split ep 5€
Divided Minds - Strangers ep (Doomtown) 2€
Epileptic Terror Attack - The racket ep (Putrid Filth Conspiracy) 8€
Fan Zui Xiang Fa / SS20 - Split ep 2€
Final Draft / Fissure - Split ep 5€
Gargara – Versus Jesus ep (ОПАЧИНА) 6€
Ghaddar / Panaceja - Split ep (Feral Kid) 5€
Good Wife, The - S/T ep (SuperFi) 4€
Gut Feeling – S/T (Goodwill) 4€
Gut Feeling – S/T (Goodwill) (gold) 5€
Harda Tider / Crucial Section - Split ep (La Familia) 5€
Holy Extermination / Burn The Cross - Split ep (Dementia 13) 4€
Injakmati / Black Sister - Split ep (Subwix) 4€
Iron Merda - S/T ep (Rodel) 2€
Irritones, The / Rough Kids - Split ep (Crapoulet) 2€
Jigsore Puzzle/Exit Wounds - Split ep (T.V.G.) 2€
Knife in the Leg - No place for boys ep (Trujaca Fala) 3€
Livia Sura / Hazarder - Seasons in glvvm seasons of dvvm ep (Neanderthal-Stench) 2€
Love Channel - S/T ep (Fucking Kill) 2€
Noothgrush - Entropy/Life Shatters Into Pieces Of Anguish ep 6€
Mižerija - S/T ep (Doomtown) 8€
Occvlta / Salute - Split ep  (Doomentia) 6€
Ossuary - Forsaken Offerings ep (Darkness Shall Rise) (black) 13€
Ossuary - Forsaken Offerings ep (Darkness Shall Rise) (white) 15€
Parlamentarisk Sodomi / Laserguys - Split ep (white vinyl ltd. to 150) (Grindblock) 5€
Realized - Proud Of Fire Flag ep 10€
Retsar Bai Naim - S/T ep (Emergence) 2€
Ride For Revenge / Satanic Torment - Split ep (Fuck Yoga) 6€
Rules – …was it six or five shoots? ep (Mad Schnauzer) 5€
S.A.T.A.N. / After the Last Sky - Split ep (Rawby) 2€
Sabbat - The Mion's hill ep (The evil that M do)  7€
Senata Fox / Brivido – Split ep (Sumoggu) 4€
Senata Fox / Unison – Split ep (Good Samaritan) 4€
Silent Era - S/T ep (Doomtown) 4€
Sonic Order - S/T ep (Doomtown) 4€
Sonic Poison - Combat grind ep (Me Saco Un Ojo) 7€
Statico – Il Nostro Cimitero ep (Refuse) 8€
Step On It / Crippled Fox - Tribute to Tony Soprano ep (Flipped Up) 2€
Suckinim Baenaim / Achzavoth - Split ep (Urban Decay) 4€
Suffer The Pain - Face of doom ep (Phobia) 5€
Talleen – S/T ep (Goodwill) (black) 6€
Talleen – S/T ep (Goodwill) (smoke) 8€
Truth, The – Tenzija ep (Mad Schnauzer) 4€
Usura - En Verga ep 2€
Usurpress - Tales of possessors ep (Doomentia) 5€
Vultures, The / Stockholms Blodbad - Split ep (Up Yours) 2€
V.A. - Brutal Supremacy 2xep (Iron Lung, Mind Eraser, Hatred Surge, Scapegoat) (Painkiller) 10€
V.A. - The Rot Box (Bizzare X, Corrosive, Yacopsae, To The Point, Crowskin, Schmand) (Fucking Kill) 15€
Warhead - Cry of truth ep (Farewell) (black) 5€
Warhead - Cry of truth ep (Farewell) (purple) 5€
Warhead - Cry of truth ep (Farewell) (pink) 5€
Wojczech / Black Hole of Calcutta - Split ep (Fucking Kill) 4€
Yacopsae / Corrosive - Verfault Durchschauung split 6" ep (Fucking Kill) 7€

Friday, January 27, 2012

10" records

Corrosive / Life Ends - Split 10" (Fucking Kill) 8€
Dead Shall Rise / Conflict Maestria - Split 10" (Blackout Brigade) 5€
Fatal Nunchaku - Paving stone under the beach 10" (Wee Wee) 8€
H System – Hostile 10" (Blackout Brigade) 5€
Lycanthrophy / Blood I Bleed - Split 10" 10€
Zodiac - Rasierter affe 10" (7 Degrees) 8€

Thursday, January 26, 2012

12" records

Acephalix - Deathless Master LP (Agipunk) 12€
Acid - S/T LP+7" (High Roller) 28€
Acute - Who Wants War 2LP+CD (F.O.A.D.) 30€
Agathocles - The LP's 1989-1991 LP (Power It Up) 18€
Agathocles - To Serve... To Protect LP (Haunted Hotel) 22€
Agathocles - To Serve... To Protect LP (Haunted Hotel) (black/red) 24€
Agathocles - Black Clouds Determinate 2LP (Power It Up) 30€
Agregat - Agregatke dol LP (MKDC) 15€
Always Never Fun - Arrivereici LP (Rodel) 12€
Anarchus - Final fall of the gods LP (F.O.A.D.) 15€
Anatomia / Shambles - Abyssal Doom Oriental LP (Fucking Kill Records) (black) 25€
Anatomia / Shambles - Abyssal Doom Oriental LP (Fucking Kill Records) (gold) 27€
Anihilated - Path to destruction 12" EP (Agipunk) 10€
Anti-Cimex - The Complete Demos Collection 1982-1983 LP 14€
Anti Otpad - Totalno sam ljut na ovaj svijet! (Monte Paradiso Reloaded) LP 13€
Арлекин – Извор на главоболките LP (ОПАЧИНА) (black) 15€
Арлекин – Извор на главоболките LP (ОПАЧИНА) (purple) 15€
Archagathus - Atrocious Halitosis From Nauseated Disgorging LP (Power It Up) 18€
Armagedom - Silêncio Fúnebre LP (Punk Vortex) 14€
Atomck - Towering Failures LP (SuperFi) 15€
Avskum - En Annan Värld Är Möjlig LP (Skrammel) 18€
Bacterium - Sunt Lacrymae Rerum LP (Fuck Yoga) 15€
Barbarian - Faith extinguisher LP (Doomentia) 14€
Bastard Noise / Bloodred Bacteria - From zero to hero and blackwards onesided LP (Streaks) 12€
Bastinados / Bosonogo Djetinjstvo - Split LP (Neanderthal-Stench) 9€
Birdflesh - Faster Than A Priest Vomit LP (Haunted Hotel) 22€
Black Code - Hanged, drowned & quartered LP (Svoboda) 10€
Black Curse - Burning In Celestial Poison LP (Sepulchral Voice) 25€
Black Curse - Endless Wound LP (Sepulchral Voice) 25€
Blades – S/T LP (Goodwill) 10€
Blank - Calix LP (white vinyl) (Fucking Kill) 10€
Blood I Bleed - High octane thrash LP (TVG) 10€
Blood I Bleed - Gods out of monsters LP (Fast & Furious) 10€
Blue Vomit - Discografia 198X LP 18€
Bolesno Grinje - 13 LP (Sumoggu) 12€
Bolesno Grinje - Grd LP (Sumoggu) 12€
Bolesno Grinje - The Last Grinjober LP (Sumoggu) 12€
Bolesno Grinje / Sodn Dan - Split LP (Humanita Nova) 12€
Boredom / Rivers Run Dry - Split LP (Panda Banda) 10€
Brink of Despair - Rooted in dust LP (SM-Musik) 10€
Brivido / Homo Homini Lupus – Split LP (Sumoggu) 8€
Brivido / Homo Homini Lupus - Split LP (red/black splatter vinyl) (Sumoggu) 10€
Brivido / Public Disgrace - Split LP (Sumoggu) 10€
Bulldozer – The exorcism LP (F.O.A.D.) (white) 20€
Bulldozer – The exorcism LP (F.O.A.D.) (orange) 24€
Bunker 66 - Inferno interceptors LP (High Roller) 15€
Butcher ABC - North Of Hell LP (Power It Up) 18€
Cambio Negro - Ecos do 3° Mundo LP (Punk Vortex) 14€
CarlxJohnson - Hesoyam LP (Rope Or Guillotine) 17€
Carnage - The Day Man Lost... Infestation Of Evil - The 1989 demos LP (F.O.A.D.) (black) 20€
Carnage - The Day Man Lost... Infestation Of Evil - The 1989 demos LP (F.O.A.D.) (splatter) 25€
Catasexual Urge Motivation - The Encyclopedia of Serial murders 2xLP (F.O.A.D.) (black) 30€
Catholic Guilt / Inu - Degraded cobardes Split LP (Panda Banda) 9€
Civil Terror - Surrounded by assholes LP (Demonomania) 9€
Civilian Thrower / Morbid Angel Dust - Split LP (RSR) 18€
Come To Grief - The Worst Of Times LP (Fuck Yoga) 15€
Concrete Winds - Nerve Butcherer LP (Sepulchral Voice) 22€
Concrete Winds - S/T LP (Sepulchral Voice) 25€
Contropotere - È Arrivato Ah Pook LP (F.O.A.D.) (black vinyl) 20€
Contropotere - È Arrivato Ah Pook LP (F.O.A.D.) (marbled bone vinyl) 24€
Crawl Noise - Wall of noise core 1989/1987 LP (F.O.A.D.) 16€
Creeping Corrupt / Hellisheaven - Split LP (Zaraza) 10€
Crematorium – Chained To Torment LP (F.O.A.D.) 20€
Crucifixion – Necrolatry/Corpse Decapitation LP (F.O.A.D.) (black vinyl) 18€
Crucifixion – Necrolatry/Corpse Decapitation LP (F.O.A.D.) (orange vinyl) 21€
Culto Del Cargo - Memorie In Lingua Morta LP (Self released) 12€
Dažd - Krv i seme LP (Fuck Yoga) 12€
Dawn Of Obliteration - Ruins LP (Lycanthropic Chants) 14€
Dead Infection - Surgical disembowelment picture LP (Grindfather) 20€
Dead Infection - A chapter of accidents picture LP (Grindfather) 20€
Death Toll 80K - Grindcore Noise Flood LP (bringer Of Gore) 18€
Delinquentes - Tapes Delinquentes Klassiks LP (Punk Vortex) 14€
Dephosphorus - Sublimation LP (7 Degrees) 13€
Depression / Repuked - Split LP (Lycanthropic Chants) (black vinyl) 18€
Depression / Repuked - Split LP (Lycanthropic Chants) (green vinyl) 18€
Depressor - S/T LP (Fuck Yoga) 13€
Depressor - Filth/Grace LP (Fuck Yoga) 13€
Desinence Mortification - Cancerous Mankind LP (Sumoggu) (gold vinyl) 15€
Desinence Mortification - Cancerous Mankind LP (Sumoggu) (black vinyl) 13€
Devastation - The Possibility Of Life's Destruction LP (F.O.A.D.) (transparent green) 25€
Disabuse - Demos Of War LP (Rodel) 13€
Disharmonic Orchestra - Repulsive Overtones? 1988-1989 2xLP (F.O.A.D.) 32€
Dome Runner - Apocalypse.Pulse.Worship. LP (SuperFi) 18€
Doom - Doomed From The Start (The Demo’s Album) LP (Sonarize) 16€
Doom - Rush Hour Of The Gods LP (Sonarize) 16€
Dripping Decay - Watching You Rot LP (Fucking Kill Records) 25€
Drowned - Idola Specus LP (Sepulchral Voice) 15€
Drugs of Faith - S/T LP (Fast & Furious) 10€
Dysentery - ...Bring Me No Tears LP (F.O.A.D.) (black vinyl) 20€
Dysentery - ...Bring Me No Tears LP (F.O.A.D.) (blue vinyl) 25€
Ego Fix - Total filth squad – discography 1995-1997 LP+CD (silver vinyl) 25€
Ego Fix - Total filth squad – discography 1995-1997 LP+CD (black vinyl) 22€
Electrozombies - He visto LP (Neanderthal Stench) 10€
Eraser - Harmony dies LP (Rodel) 17€
Excoriate - On Pestilent Winds LP (Sepulchral Voice) 25€
Exploator - Blind Elit LP (Phobia) 18€
Expression Of Pain - S/T LP (Grindfather) 18€
Expulsion – Certain Corpses Never Decay 2LP (F.O.A.D.) (black) 30€
Expulsion – Certain Corpses Never Decay 2LP (F.O.A.D.) (rotten yellow) 33€
Eyemaster - Conjuration Of Flesh LP (Lycanthropic Chants) 18€
Final Exit - Born In Hell LP (F.O.A.D.) 20€
Frogskin - III - Into Disgust LP (MinorObscur) (black vinyl) 15€
Frogskin - III - Into Disgust LP (MinorObscur) (green vinyl) 15€
Fuck On The Beach / Terlarang - Split LP (MinorObscur) (black vinyl) 15€
Fuck On The Beach / Terlarang - Split LP (MinorObscur) (orange vinyl) 15€
Fear Of God - S/T 12"EP (clear vinyl) (F.O.A.D. Records) 25€
Genital Jiggling - Golden rule LP (Emergence) 10€
Genital Masticator – Me Voy A Cagar En Tu Puta Madre LP (Discos MeCagoEnDios) 15€
Genital Masticator - From originality to vulgarity LP (F.O.A.D.) 18€
Geranium - S/T LP (Deviance) 10€
Geranium - S/T LP (gatefold) (Deviance) 10€
Giuda - Senza paura, senza domani LP (Agipunk) 10€
Goli Deca – Manija LP (Fuck Yoga) 12€
Gorephilia - In The Eye Of Nothing LP (Me Saco Un Ojo) 18€
Grey Walls - Asche LP (Kink) 12€
Gride - Hluboka Temna Modr LP (Insane Society) 13€
Grief - S/T LP (Fuck Yoga) 15€
Growls - Old School LP (Self released) 10€
H2SO4 - Reality Show LP (Walkiria) 12€
Hashcut - Please do it yourself LP (Emergence) 10€
Hazarder - Against his-story, against Leviathan! (PMK) 10€
Hellborn Messiah / Post War depression - Split LP (Fucking Kill) 10€
Hellisheaven - Abyss of war LP (Addiction to War) 10€
Hiatus - From resignation... to revolt LP (Ruination) 18€
Hiatus - Out Of Hand LP (Ruination) 18€
Hibernation - In the years of desolation LP (Neanderthal-Stench) 13€
Hideous Chaos / Front Terror - Split LP (Underground Front) 14€
High Spirits - You are here LP (High Roller) 16€
Hobbs’ Angel Of Death - Hobbs’ Satan’s Crusade LP (High Roller) 18€
Homo Homini Lupus / Gelo - Split LP (Sumoggu) 8€
Hooded Menace - Labirynth of carrion breeze 12"EP (Doomentia) 13€
Hooded Menace / Horse Latitudes - Split LP (2nd press) (Doomentia) 10€
Horrible – Muertos Y Enterrados LP (Discos MeCagoEnDios)  15€
Hozomeen - The Void LP (SuperFi) 16€
Human Gas – Super Violence Hardcore 1984-1985 2LP box (F.O.A.D.) 45€
Hybernoid - The Last Day Begins? LP (Haunted Hotel) (red) 22€
I.R.F. - Discography & Unreleased Songs 1995-1997 LP (F.O.A.D.) 23€
In From The Cold / Nula - Menhir LP (Grom) 13€
Indigesti - Osservati dall'inganno LP (F.O.A.D.) (black) 23€
Indigesti - Osservati dall'inganno LP (F.O.A.D.) (blue/white) 27€
Insane - Wait And Pray LP (High Roller) (purple) 17€
Inzest - Violence not words LP (F.O.A.D.) 20€
Iron Lamb - The original sin LP (white/black splatter) (High Roller) 12€
Janky - Dead Society 1983-1987 LP (black) (F.O.A.D.) 21€
Janky - Dead Society 1983-1987 LP (white/blue splatter) (F.O.A.D.) 25€
Jesus Crost - Fehlentscheidung LP (yellow) (Filth-Ear) 10€
Keitzer - As the world burns LP (7 Degrees) 10€
Keitzer - The last defense LP (7 Degrees) 10€
Koridor - Kroz pukotine LP (Doomtown) 15€
Kreator - Bonecrushing Rehearsals '85 LP (black) (High Roller) 25€
Kreator - Bonecrushing Rehearsals '85 LP (clear) (High Roller) 28€
Kroia / Inu - Split LP (Subwix) 10€
Last Rites - S/T LP (Stand Against Vivisection) 13€
Left To Starve – Nikada se nisam bojao zmija LP (Mad Schnauzer) 12€
Leper - Frail Life Lp (Kink) 12€
Lets Grow / Jaibo! - Split LP (Doomtown) 10€
Link Larm – Troppo Presto… LP (No Plan) 17€
London 77 - Iustitia LP (F.O.A.D.) 18€
Los Caidos - First two years LP (Crapoulet) 10€
LouisXArmstrong – MMXXXV LP (Mad Schnauzer) 12€
Lout Society Kurse - Waiting for the apocalypse LP (Blackout Brigade) 5€
Lymphatic Phlegm - Roughly Excised: Putrefindings, Morbidescriptions And Necrognoses LP 27€
Megatomb - Louder than a thousand deaths LP (Me Saco Un Ojo) 15€
Mayhem - As The World Burns 2LP (F.O.A.D.) (black) 30€
Mayhem - As The World Burns 2LP (F.O.A.D.) (orange/blue) 33€
Messiah Death – Invocated Unholy Tracks 2LP (F.O.A.D.) 22€
Miasmal - S/T LP (Agipunk) 10€
Military Shadow - Metal Punk Ironfist LP (F.O.A.D.) (black) 18€
Military Shadow - Metal Punk Ironfist LP (F.O.A.D.) (red) 23€
Minenfeld - The Great Adventure LP (Fucking Kill Records) 25€
Morbid Scream – Bloodstains: 941 Longhorn Drive 2LP (F.O.A.D.) 30€
Mordor - Hogar, Dulce Hogar LP (Walkiria) 12€
Morgue Breath - Plaga Sin Rostro LP (Behind The Mountain) 18€
Mortal Wound / Gutless - Split LP (Me Saco Un Ojo) 20€
Moss - Sinister history: Volume one chapter one LP (Fuck Yoga) 15€
Mrtvi Kanal / Grč - Split LP (F.O.A.D.) (yellow) 35€
Muka - Patologija poniznosti LP (No Profit Recordings) 20€
Mutabo / Hellexist - Split LP (Neanderthal-Stench) 12€
Nailed In – Shovel LP (Mad Schnauzer) 12€
Necrolepsy - Necrology LP (F.O.A.D.) (black) 20€
Necrolepsy - Necrology LP (F.O.A.D.) (orange) 25€
Nerorgasmo - Passione Nera: Discografia 1985-1993 2LP (F.O.A.D.) 30€
Nesseria - S/T LP (Guranje s Litice) 10€
Nightmare - Thirsty And Wander LP (La Familia) 13€
Normal Man - City Livin’ LP (At War With False Noise) 13€
Nospeedlimit - S/T (5A PRO/OOTD) 15€
Nula - Pobjedimo Laž LP (PDV) 20€
Nulla Osta / Warfare - Split LP    12€
Nyctophobic -War criminal views LP (Grindfather)13€
Oblivion – Intention To Kill LP+CD (F.O.A.D.) 20€
Od Vratot Nadolu - Živa LP (one sided) (Fuck Yoga) 10€
Ommnus / My Pitbull Lucifer - Split LP (No Profit Recordings) (blue/black) 20€
Ossuary - Cremation Ritual LP (Darkness Shall Rise) (black) 22€
Ossuary - Cremation Ritual LP (Darkness Shall Rise) (silver) 25€
P.L.F. - Ultimate Whirlwind of Incineration LP (RSR) 18€
Parasytic - Poison minds LP (Agipunk) 10€
Passiv Dodshjalp / Achilles - Split LP (Svoboda) 10€
Patareni - Infuzija Iluzija LP (Haunted Hotel) 20€
Patareni - Infuzija Iluzija LP (Haunted Hotel) (green) 22€
Pestpocken - Another World Is Possible LP 13€
Petrification - Hollow of the void LP (Dawnbreed) 20€
Pharmacist – Flourishing Extremities On Unspoiled Mental Grounds LP (Grindfather) 20€
Pig Sweat - S/T LP (Invredible Noise) 12€
Po' Metra Crijeva - Boškarin IV LP (No Profit Recordings) 20€
Propoved - Onaj koji niko jeste LP (Fuck Yoga) 12€
Purulent Remains - Worm-eaten Corpse LP (Bringer Of Gore) 18€
Putefaction Sets In – Repugnant Inception Of Decomposing Paroxysm LP (F.O.A.D.) (black) 20€
Putefaction Sets In – Repugnant Inception Of Decomposing Paroxysm LP (F.O.A.D.) (yellow/purple) 23€
Rapt - Thrash war LP+7"+CD (F.O.A.D.) 20€
Ratos De Porao – Necropolitica LP (F.O.A.D.) (black) 18€
Ratos De Porao – Necropolitica LP (F.O.A.D.) (black/red) 23€
Raw Power - Screams from the gutter LP (F.O.A.D.) 20€
Regurgitation - Complete Recordings 1986/1987 LP (black) (F.O.A.D.) 23€
Regurgitation - Complete Recordings 1986/1987 LP (green) (F.O.A.D.) 25€
Renegades Of Punk, The - Coração Metrônomo LP (Crapoulet) 10€
Rosenfeld - Pigs Of The Empire 2xLP (F.O.A.D.) 28€
Rot - A long cold stare LP (Rodel) 17€
Rotting Flesh - Mesologic Colliquative Effects Upon... LP (F.O.A.D.) (black) 20€
Rotting Flesh - Mesologic Colliquative Effects Upon... LP (F.O.A.D.) (grey/red) 25€
Rough - Rude 1982-1983 LP (F.O.A.D.) 20€
Ruinas - S/T LP (Neanderthal-Stench) 12€
Ruinas / Chaosbringer - Split LP (Neanderthal-Stench) 13€
Rush To Relax – Misli LP (Look Back And Laugh) 15€
S.A.F. - Dead area paranoia LP (Fast & Furious) 8€
Sacrilege - Behind The Realms Of Madness LP (High Roller) 20€
Sacrilegio – Podredumbre 1986-1988 LP (F.O.A.D.) (black) 20€
Sacrilegio – Podredumbre 1986-1988 LP (F.O.A.D.) (green/black) 23€
Saint Vitus - V LP (red/yellow splatter) (High Roller) 25€
Sandokhan / Krupskaya - Split LP (7 Degrees) 10€
Sauna - S/T LP (Rodel) 17€
Scald - Will Of The Gods Is Great Power LP (High Roller) (electric blue) 20€
Serpent Eater - Vanitas LP (7 Degrees) 12€
Sickness, The – Complete Sickness LP (ОПАЧИНА) (black) 28€
Sickness, The – Complete Sickness LP (ОПАЧИНА) (orange) 30€
Siege - Drop Dead - Complete Discography 2xLP (black) (F.O.A.D.) 30€
Siege - Drop Dead - Complete Discography 2xLP (silver/red/black splatter) (F.O.A.D.) 35€
Sijjin - Angel of The Eastern gate LP (Sepulchral Voice) 16€
Sissy Spacek - Benigemony Asiniscrepancy LP (F.O.A.D.) (red vinyl) 24€
Slashing Death - Not Dead LP (Underground Front) 14€
Slaughter - Surrender Or Die LP (High Roller) 20€
Slaughter - Strappado LP (High Roller) 20€
Slump / Life Ends - Split LP (Fucking Kill) 10€
Sore Throat – Starving Wolves Stand And Fight LP (F.O.A.D.) 18€
Sound Of Disaster – Valfard 1984-1985 LP (F.O.A.D.) 18€
Stigmathe - Corri e sopravvivi: studio, demo & live 1983-1985 LP+CD 20€
Storm Of Sedition - Decivilize LP (Neanderthal-Stench) 13€
Sukob – Tvoje Misli Su Nečija Umjetnost LP (Doomtown) 12€
Sulfuric Cautery - Chainsaw Clogged With The Underdeveloped Brain Matter Of Xenophobes LP (Haunted Hotel) (marble) 22€
Sys-Ra - Misantropolis LP (Stormy Vision) 10€
Tank - Filth Hounds Of Hades LP+10" (black) (High Roller) 32€
Tank - Filth Hounds Of Hades LP+10" (orange/grey) (High Roller) 35€
Terror Firmer - The ultimate nuclear core explosion LP (Rodel) 17€
Terrorizer - Before the downfall 2LP+CD (F.O.A.D.) 30€
Tjänstevapen - Dömd LP (Rødel) 10€
Tormentor - Blitzkrieg Demo '84 LP (High Roller) 20€
Tormentor - End Of The World Demo '84 LP (High Roller) 20€
Torture Krypt - Resurrecting The Krypts LP (Sewer Stench) 17€
Totalitär - 1998-2002 LP (Skrammel) 18€
Toxic Minds - S/T LP (Stand Against Vivisection) 14€
Transhunter – S/T LP (Fuck Yoga) 12€
Trench Hell - Southern Cross Ripper LP (High Roller) (bone) 17€
Trigger / Run Time Error - Split LP (Fucking Kill) 8€
Trollcave - Rotted Remnants Dripping Into The Void LP (Sewer Stench) 17€
Tummo - S/T LP (Dead Bros) 10€
Tuna - Dupla face LP (Crapoulet) 10€
Udav - Creepy new career LP (No Profit Recordings) 20€
Ulcerous Phlegm - Phlegm as A Last Consequence LP (Power It Up) 20€
Undead Creep - The ever burning torch LP (Iconoclast) 10€
Unholy Grave - Death Comes From Nowhere LP (black) (Sumoggu) 15€
Unholy Grave - Death Comes From Nowhere LP (red) (Sumoggu) 18€
Unholy Grave - Death Comes From Nowhere LP (red with extra cover) (Sumoggu) 20€
Unholy Grave / Sete Star Sept - Split LP (Bringer Of Gore) 12€
Upside – S/T LP (No Plan) 20€
Unruly - Hominid LP (MinorObscur) 15€
Usurpress - Trenches of the netherworld LP (Iconoclast) 10€
Various Artists - A Fucking Tribute to Hellhammer LP (Fucking Kill Records) 15€
Various Artists - Buka i Urlik LP (black) (F.O.A.D.) 20€
Various Artists - Buka i Urlik LP (orange) (F.O.A.D.) 24€
Various Artists - Hail To Bombarder 2LP (Aphelion) 20€
Various Artists - Freak power LP (one sided) (Fuck Yoga) 10€
Various Artists - Making children songs a threat again LP (Guerilla Shooting) 10€
Various Artists - Vestibule of hell LP (Wolfsbane) 12€
Various Artists - Votive Offerings LP (At War With False Noise) 12€
Venenum - Trance Of Death LP (Sepulchral Voice)    25€
Violent Noise Attack - Complete Deafness 1988-1989 LP (black) (F.O.A.D.) 18€
Violent Noise Attack - Complete Deafness 1988-1989 LP (blue) (F.O.A.D.) 22€
Vivisick - Respect and hate LP (brown vinyl) (Insane Society) 10€
Voidd - Final black fate - complete recordings 1990-1992 2xLP+CD (F.O.A.D.) 30€
Vomi Noir - Les Myasmes De La Deliquescence LP (Bringer Of Gore) 12€
Vomi Noir - L'Innomable Remugle... LP (Bringer Of Gore) 18€
Voyeur - Primal Instinct LP (Fucking Kill Records) 20€
W.B.I. - Storm from the Baltic sea LP+CD  (F.O.A.D.) 20€
Walking Korpses, The – All safe and dead LP (Fuck Yoga) 15€
War Coma / Jesus Bruiser - Split LP (Subwix) 10€
Warcollapse - Deliberate indoctrination LP (Phobia) 18€
Warhead - この想いを何処へ… LP (F.O.A.D.) 18€
Wedge, The - Always hate you LP (Crapoulet) 10€
Wilt - S/T LP (Neanderthal-Stench) 13€
XAXAXA - Tango revolucioner LP (Moonlee) 10€
Yacopsae - Vorlaufige Vernichtung LP (Power It Up) 18€
Yacopsae / Agathocles - Very Old Shit LP (Power It Up) 18€